What to wear:
This is an outdoor action sport in the woods, so dress in weather appropriate active gear. BDU's or a hoodie and jeans, you do you.
It's a good idea for clothing to cover exposed skin and to wear good footwear that protects the ankle.
The paint used is non-oil based and usually washes out of clothes when washed in cold water with detergent.
What to bring:
We provide complete rental kits, but you're welcome to bring your own. Please make sure your marker will chronograph and your HPA tank is inside its hydrostatic date. Plenty of sports drinks and water is also a good idea.
What to expect:
Yes, paintball can sting a little. The sensation is similar to getting snapped with a rubber band. However, players are usually having so much fun they hardly notice. Protective masks are worn over the face. Overshooting and other forms of unsafe behavior are not permitted.